Get ahead of the curve with specific projects

We can help you start specific. Identify removal potentials in your organization and inspire stakeholders in your company.

Building on the shoulders of giants

We're building enterprise-level removals faster than anyone else. Our novel technology leverages off-the-shelf hardware to deliver a truly scalable solution that works for you.

Removed once and forever

Quality is our priority, so you can rest assured that the tons you pay for are effectively removed.


Price is your most important factor. It's ours, too, which is why we're keeping things simple and modular. High repeatability = low prices.



No negative side effects. Our only inputs are renewable electricity, water, and salt.


Removed once and forever. Every molecule of CO2 we capture is permanently mineralized, storing the CO2 for > 1,000 years.


Removing through your mandate. The removals we sell only exist due to your actions.


Giving you the certainty you need. We measure every CO2 molecule captured and stored. So you can precisely quantify your environmental impact and progress towards carbon reduction goals.


Isometric-approved. Where open systems work with statistics, uncertainty, and buffer pools, we and our partners guarantee your credit as is.

What goes around comes around

Our closed-loop system circulates the same fluid continuously, giving us perfect certainty on removed CO2. Where open systems work with statistics, uncertainty and buffer pools, we simply guarantee your credit as is.