What we do

Direct Air Capture. Low-cost and 100% compatible with renewable electricity.

Our technology is the first DAC approach that is 100% compatible with intermittent behind-the-metre solar, scalable and capable of achieving low capture energies. Direct Air Capture is the most permanent, safe and measurable way of removing CO2 from our atmosphere.

Partner with us

Become a leader in Carbon Removal

Buy Carbon Removals

Remove your unavoidable emissions with our verified and permanent carbon removal credits.

Remove CO2

Buy our DAC technology

Develop your own project for DAC+storage, DAC+utilization, or low concentration point source capture.

Learn more


A revolution for DAC: 
the Hydrolyzer.

Our process builds on our core innovation: the Hydrolyzer for energy-efficient generation of acid and base.

How our technology works

Scale up

Driving down cost for DAC, fast.

About phlair

We’re a young and hungry team with a clear focus on execution.

Malte, Paul and Steffen founded Phlair in 2022 with the mission to develop the most cost-effective and scalable direct air capture technology. Since then our team has grown to over 20 people.

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Get in touch to learn more about Phlair and how we can help.