First-of-a-kind plant
Electra 01
The first EU DAC & mineralization plant, storing captured CO2 into construction materials.
A break-through in Europe
Our first-of-a-kind DAC plant with our storage partner Paebbl in Rotterdam. Phlair will own and operate the Direct Air Capture plant and Paebbl, the mineralization reactor.
This plant will deliver carbon removal credits to early customers from Frontier (Shopify, Stripe) and Milkywire (Klarna, WRLD foundation).
Key facts
Late 2025
Annual capacity
260 tCO₂
Moving the needle
This first-of-kind plant will produce CO2-negative building materials, while sequestering CO2 from ambient air permanently.
Helping leading early customers such as Shopify, Stripe and Klarna reach their net-zero goals.
Putting CO2 to work: 1 ton of CO2 turns into 3 tons of supplementary, cementitious material (SCM). So, the CO2 is not only permanently stored, but turned into a valuable building material.
European Climate Leadership: This project is a symbiosis of two really promising European technologies in the removals space: Phlair's DAC system with Paebbl's mineralization reactor
Phlair is developing an electrochemical process for direct air capture with one of the lowest energy requirements in the field. At the same time, they are one of the few approaches that can fully run on intermittent renewables. It's been exciting to watch their rapid progress since we first backed them in 2023.
Frauke Kracke, Science Lead Stripe Climate and Frontier